PCMG Notes: 2021-03-01

My first daffodil. And by the way, weeding is really easy now😁.

Hopefully by now you have recovered from the snow storms, even though our gardens haven’t. As you know, the best we can do is take a wait and see before we do anything drastic. While there is still winter left and I have seen snow as late as mid April, I hope those verrry cold temps are done.

There will be pretty days ahead. Time to cut back our roses and start cleaning up those flowerbeds. Fertilize the pansies and violas. They will probably perk up in a few days.

For those of you who are working on your projects , you are no longer limited to 5 pictures. Send you project pics to Paul Nolte at pan72501@gmail.com and he will post them to our armgs.org website.

Vaccines for covid are becoming much more available now. Please get vaccinated. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get together in person. I for one am craving that.

We will meet again by zoom on March 16. Keep an eye out on who the speaker will be. In the meantime, stay well and Happy Gardening.

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

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