Witt Stephens Nature Center: 2020-04-08
Our members have decided they may work individually at Witt Stephens to follow the safety measures for social distancing during this time of COVID-19. For all practical purposes,…
Historic Arkansas Museum “HAM”: 2020-04-07
The pictures are our trial plants and the Cherokee rose. and veggies. Thanks and be safe. Valerie Smith, PCMG
Courthouse Garden: 2020-04-06
It is Springtime at the Courthouse Garden with Mother Nature showing out, even in these trying times. Our project members miss working with each other at this beautiful…
Old Mill: 2020-04-03
Although the Old Mill is closed, the Ark. Historic Preservation’s Sandwiching in History program at the Old Mill is going to be held online as a virtual tour…
Hays Center: 2020-04-03
These are pictures of the Hays Center MG Project. We have performed just basic work one or two PCMGs at a time. My thoughts were that the site…
PCMG Notes 09-28-2020
I’m so excited. I love this weather! Cooler temps, pumpkins. And speaking of pumpkins, I went out to the Demo Garden at the 4H Center to pick out…