Author Archives (twentyten):

Horticulture Hotline Scheduling

Hello Horticulture Hotline Project Members! The 2022 growing season will be arriving soon and with it the start-up of Horticulture Hotline telephone volunteering for the year. For the past several years, Kathleen Reynolds has volunteered to do the scheduling for … Continue reading

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HAMMERS’ Holiday Luncheon – 2021

Lisa opened her beautiful home and hosted our holiday gathering.  The food and libations were wonderful.  Stories were shared. Who knew: * Carol M. raised chicks and offered to milk her neighbors goats; * Lisa unintentionally burned boxer shorts that … Continue reading

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War Memorial Christmas Party – 2021

We had all 7 project members attend!

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Sherwood Senior Center: 2021 Summer Photos

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Cammack U/A System: 2021-Overlooked Photos

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-11-08

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on November 8,2021. Pansies, Pansies and more Pansies were planted today. 21 flats of yellow and purple were planted, so watch for the color to pop!! Happy Gardening!!

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2021-10-18

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Old Mill: 2021-10-21

The Old Mill Master Gardeners met for a pot-luck lunch on October 21 at the NLR roof-top terrace of project member Ruth L.. 

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Historic Arkansas Museum (HAM): 2021-10-26

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-10-25

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on October 25,2021. Our members cleaned up the gardens. In a few weeks we will be able to plant pansies.Happy Gardening!!

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