Author Archives (twentyten):

Pinnacle PCMG – end of season flowers – 2021-10-14

The Pinnacle Master Gardeners had a workday this past Thursday, October 14.For some the blooming season is coming to an end – Pinnacle still has color to show.

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden 2021: 9/27 & 10/4

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Old Mill: 2021-09-22

The Old Mill Master Gardeners had a workday on September 22, the first day of fall, and enjoyed the cool weather. 

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2021-09-20

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-09-13

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on September 13, 2021. We mostly weeded the center bed and mulched the strip bed toward the main road. Happy Gardening!!

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Historic Arkansas Museum

Celebrating Bill’s Birthday

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Governor’s Mansion Vegegable Garden: 2021-08-30

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Argenta: 2021-07-19

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Cammack U/A System: 2021-08-26

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Message From Randy: COVID Update 2021-08-11

Hey Guys, As you are no doubt aware, COVID-19 cases are very high in Arkansas right now. Social distancing, masks, limited meetings, and other preventative measures should be the order of the day. Although vaccination rates are increasing, we are … Continue reading

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