Busy Bee Award

Dear Master Gardener,

Here are the qualifications for a Busy Bee award. If you have any questions, please contact your Busy Bee committee, Executive Committee, or me.

The Busy Bee Award is given to PCMG members in recognition of outstanding work on an individual garden project. It usually signifies working more than double the required hours on an individual project in a calendar year. Hours are not combined from various projects or committees but signify dedication to a single garden project. If formally assigned to more than one garden project, members may earn bees in each project. A pewter bee is awarded to represent one year of such service and may be attached to the membership badge. A gold bee signifies 5 years of service and replaces the previous four pewter bees on the badge. The previous four pewter bees may be turned in to the committee or retained by the member but should be removed and replaced by the gold bee on the badge. Bees are awarded free of charge but lost or replacement bees must be purchased. Pewter bees are $5, and gold are bees $10. Due to COVID and the Pandemic experienced worldwide in 2020-21, procedures and requirements have changed for 2021. Requirements for earning a bee in 2021 are as follows: Regular members in good standing are required to work 40 hours on their Assigned Sanctioned Project” for a bee award. New members, probationary members and reinstated members are required to work 60 hours on their Assigned Sanctioned Project for the award. This award was created so that members will have the incentive to work more hours on their individual sanctioned projects 

Take care,


Tina Coley
Administrative Specialist III
UADA | CES | Pulaski County
2901 W Roosevelt Rd
Little Rock, AR 72204

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