Cammack U oa A Systems: 2021-05-01


Start spreading the news” 
A new expanded Cammack Fruit Demonstration Garden is coming!


The 19 Master Gardeners from Cammack Garden Project have started expanding the original garden to create more space to experiment with new cultivars from the University of Arkansas.

The hosts of the project have been so helpful in supporting the volunteers of the CammackProject.

The garden will include:

  • The original Blackberry beds and are will trying a new variety of the Blackberry family named, CADDO.
  • Along with the Caddo Blackberry they are planting a table grape called “Joy”. It is from the table grapes of Reliance. The table grape is suppose to be delicious!
  •  The Cammack Garden will still have:
    • Muscadines,
    • Rabbit-Eye Blueberries,
    • Brown Turkey Fig and
  • New strawberry beds will be built.

The Cammack team haves been working hard in planning and constructing the  area and we looking forward to seeing the fruits of our hard labor. 

Submitted by Laura Sholes, Chairman

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