Category Archives: Historic AR Museum Photos

HAM Workday: November 29, 2023

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Maumelle Visits HAM: November 13, 2023

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New member at HAM: November 6, 2023

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HAM: Getting the garden ready for fall!

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HAM: Project Photos July 15, 2023

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HAM Project Photos: July 17, 2023

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HAM Garden Photos: July, 2023

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Digging potatoes at HAM

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HAM Workday: 2022-03-14

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HAMMERS’ Holiday Luncheon – 2021

Lisa opened her beautiful home and hosted our holiday gathering.  The food and libations were wonderful.  Stories were shared. Who knew: * Carol M. raised chicks and offered to milk her neighbors goats; * Lisa unintentionally burned boxer shorts that … Continue reading

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