Category Archives: Wildwood Photos

Wildwood Photos: December 2, 2023

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Wildwood Workday: November 21, 2023

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Wildwood: Early April, 2003

Wildwood team putting edging and mulch around newly planted Yoshino Cherry trees.

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Wildwood Azeleas

John A. and Dianne W. went to Wildwood this past weekend.  John thought the general membership would like to  know the native azaleas at Wildwood are blooming so folks could drive out and enjoy them.  They look spectacular.Cindy S. When … Continue reading

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Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden: 2021-04-06

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Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden: 2021-04-05

The entrance to the Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden has a new Japanese maple!! We transported the tree in a UHaul to protect the tender leaves just beginning to emerge. It almost was too big for the UHaul!! It was planted … Continue reading

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Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden: March 2021

This time of year is perfect for garden projects!! Cherith, Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden Chair

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Wildwood Garden’s Fall Foliage and Camellias

Cherith B.Wildwood Asian Garden

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Wildwood: 2020-10-16

Baptist Rehab Master Garden tour with fern fabric masks made by Kathleen P., WIldwood Chair. Last two photos in bottom row are Japanese Anemone and Hybrid Toad Lily.

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Wildwood: 2020-09-29

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