Category Archives: MG Announcements
February MG Meeting Reminder
The Master Gardener General Meeting will be Tuesday, February 20, 11:30, at St. James United Methodist Church on Pleasant Valley Drive.
January 16 PCMG Meeting Cancelled
The PCMG General Meeting is cancelled today due to the snowfall and icy conditions.
January Master Gardener Meeting
Ladies and Gentlemen, Happy New Year! It is 2018, and time to get back in the soil, planning and planting. Our first PCMG general meeting will begin at 11:30 on Tuesday, January 16, at St. James United Methodist Church. Our speaker will be … Continue reading
Urgent Message for MG Hours/Dues
Pulaski County Master Gardeners, A large number of Pulaski County Master Gardeners have not logged in their hours. The deadline for reporting hours and paying 2017 Dues is December 15th! You have only 10 days left!
Garvan Gardens Trip Cancelled
We regret to inform you that we did not have enough people sign up for the Garvan Gardens trip; therefore we had to cancel. A few checks were mailed, the others will be shredded by the treasurer. Please void your … Continue reading
PCMG Stuff Orders and PCMG Items for Sale
PCMG Stuff Orders will be available for pick up at the November 14 meeting.
PCMG Monthly Meeting Information: Nov 14
Dear Master Gardeners, We will vote on the 2018 slate of officers at our November 14 meeting.
PCMG November Meeting
Master Gardeners, Please plan on attending our PCMG monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 11:30am at St. James United Methodist Church. We are meeting on the 14th this year since the third Tuesday falls during the week of Thanksgiving.
Pulaski County Courthouse and Gardens Tour
All Master Gardeners are invited to come to a free Sandwiching in History Tour that will feature the history of the Pulaski County Courthouse building and gardens. The rose gardens are a PC Master Gardener Project.
You’re invited to a groundbreaking event……….
Pulaski County Master Gardeners You’re invited to a groundbreaking event……….