Category Archives: MG Announcements

Announcements of Master Gardener meetings and events

PCMG Stuff Orders and PCMG Items for Sale

PCMG Stuff Orders will be available for pick up at the November 14 meeting.

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PCMG Monthly Meeting Information: Nov 14

Dear Master Gardeners, We will vote on the 2018 slate of officers at our November 14 meeting.

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PCMG November Meeting

Master Gardeners, Please plan on attending our PCMG monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 11:30am at St. James United Methodist Church. We are meeting on the 14th this year since the third Tuesday falls during the week of Thanksgiving.

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Pulaski County Courthouse and Gardens Tour

All Master Gardeners are invited to come to a free Sandwiching in History Tour that will feature the history of the Pulaski County Courthouse building and gardens. The rose gardens are a PC Master Gardener Project.

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You’re invited to a groundbreaking event……….

Pulaski County Master Gardeners  You’re invited to a groundbreaking event……….

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Keyhole Gardening at the Arkansas State Fair

Hello PCMGs! It feels like fall! ?. The Arkansas State Fair begins this Friday. Join us at the Arts and Crafts building at 11:30am this Friday to see Chris LaLande and Valerie Smith present on keyhole gardening. You will be … Continue reading

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PCMG Monthly Meeting, Tuesday. October 17, 2017

Master Gardeners, Our PCMG Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 17 at 11:30am at St. James United Methodist Church. The featured speaker is our very own Randy Forst. He will provide solutions to landscaping problems identified in photographs submitted … Continue reading

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PCMG Monthly Meeting, Tues, Sept 19, 11:30

 Our PCMG monthly meeting will be held next Tuesday, September 19 at 11:30am  at St James United Methodist Church. Our program will be presented by Elizabeth T. Horton, PhD Station Archeologist, Arkansas Archeological Survey located at the Toltec Mounds Research Station.

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Summer Challenges ends next Tuesday, Sept 19

This year’s Summer Challenge ends in a week.  It’s not too late to visit those projects you’ve been meaning to go see all summer.   Bring your booklet or your list of projects visited to the PCMG meeting registration table … Continue reading

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Raising Chickens in an Urban Environment

Please join us Saturday morning, September 16th at 9:00 AMfor the Mount Holly Garden Series. This month we welcome Kayla Baker and Elenore Vena who will present “Raising Chickens in an Urban Environment.”  We may have some special guests of the feathered variety … Continue reading

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