Demo Garden Q&A Session

Dear Master Gardeners,
At the June Master Gardener meeting, I presented the concept of developing a Demonstration Garden at the CA Vines Central Arkansas 4H Center in Ferndale. The membership agreed that the Demonstration Garden Development Team should research the concept, identify possible funding sources, and prepare a proposal for evaluation.

The Demonstration Garden Development Team consists of Randy Forst, Jane Gulley, Joellen Beard, Marcy Bujarski, Jacob Hicks, Holly Anderson, Patti Womble, Walter Jennings, and me. We have received input from many other Master Gardeners, the 4H Foundation, 4H Center Staff, and Cooperative Extension Service Staff.

I encourage you to review the proposal and the possible funding resources. These documents address the planning and decision-making processes and the vision for both the physical and educational aspects of the project. Several Master Gardeners have already volunteered to Chair, Co Chair, and work on the proposed garden. This is contingent on final membership approval and funding.

Anyone on the Demonstration Garden Development Team will be happy to visit with you and answer any questions. Do not hesitate to call or email.

You are also invited to attend:
A Demonstration Garden Question and Answer Session
Thursday, September 7, 1:00 – 3:00, drop in
Pulaski County Cooperative Extension Office Conference Room

We will vote on the project during the General Membership meeting on Tuesday, September 19.

Thank you for all you do for Pulaski County Master Gardeners!

Kathy Ratcliffe
PCMG President
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