Fall PCMG Events – Save the Dates

Please save the dates listed on the Calendar of PCMG Events. You will be hearing more about our busy Fall during the next few weeks.

Enjoy this wonderful weather,

Kathy Ratcliffe




September Events Date Contact
New Master Gardener Training Wed, Sept 6,13,20,27 Nancy Archer

New MG Training

Proposed PCMG Demonstration Garden Question and Answer Thurs, Sept 7

1:00-3:00pm drop in

County CES Office

Randy Forst

Kathy Ratcliffe

Deadline to submit articles and postings for the Magnolia Chronicle Fri, Sept 8 Susan Rose

Magnolia Chronicle

Master Gardener Monthly Meeting

Liz Horton, Program

Tues, Sept 19, 11:30am Kathy Ratcliffe
PCMG Recruitment Booth at River Valley Horticulture Fall Festival Sat, Sept 30, 9:00am Greta Wright
October Events Date Contact
New Master Gardener Training – Graduation Wed, Oct 4 Nancy Archer

New MG Training

PCMG Booth at the Arkansas State Fair Oct 12- Oct 22 Greta Wright


PCMG Programs at the Arkansas State Fair Oct 13, 16, 18, 19 and 20 Michelle Wasson

Continuing Education

LR Greenhouse Fall Plant Sale Sat, Oct 148:00-11:00am Chris Field

LR Greenhouse

Master Gardener Monthly Meeting

Randy Forst, Program

New MG Reception

Tues, Oct 17, 11:30am Kathy Ratcliffe

PCMG Board

November Events Date Contact
Master Gardener Monthly Meeting

Janet Carson, Program

PCMG Awards

Tues, Nov 14, 11:30am

Meeting moved to 2nd week of the month since Thanksgiving falls in the 3rd week.

Kathy Ratcliffe

PCMG Board

New Project Chair Orientation Thurs, Nov 16, 10:00am-12:00pm Joellen Beard
December Events Date Contact
Holiday Luncheon Mon, Dec 4 Katherine Friday
Last Day to Report Volunteer Hours Fri, Dec 15 Mary Helen Henry


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