February MG Meeting Reminder

The Master Gardener General Meeting will be Tuesday, February 20, 11:30, at St. James United Methodist Church on Pleasant Valley Drive.

Our speaker will be Kitty Sanders from the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks. Her topic is “Native Things that Flutter in the Garden.”

After the meeting, at the State Cooperative Extension Service office, Ms. Sanders will continue at the State Office with more in-depth information about her topic for those who registered.  

 Things to remember

  • Bring your checkbook with you to pay your $20 yearly dues.  Please have your check ready when you get in line to pay! Make check payable to PCMG.
  • Many more volunteers are needed for the Arkansas Flower and Garden Show.  Contact Debbie Mickel
  • Winter weather cancellations of Master Gardener activities will follow the Little Rock School District and the University closings.
  • If you need a table or part of a table at St. James during the General Meeting, call Junie Harris.  She is our contact with the church.
  • If you need something, anything, from anyone at the State Office, call Randy.  He is our contact with the State Office.
  • Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Joellen, PCMG President

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