Home For Healing: 2021-04-27

After the hard freeze we all experienced this past winter and a couple of late season freeze nights recently, the Home For Healing Master Gardner Project gardens are bouncing back. 

Isn’t nature wonderful!  Our team has been hard at work with general maintenance tasks as well as new spring plantings and things are looking good. 

There is still more work to be done, of course, and our dedicated team of Master Gardeners working in conjunction with the wonderful staff at Home For Healing is continuing progress to make our project even more beautiful for the residents and guests of Home For Healing.

A special thanks to Susan M., Master Gardener Project Chairman, Kristin T., Executive Director for Home For Healing and all of the knowledgeable Master Gardeners on this project as well as staff at Home For Healing for making this project a success!

Bud S.

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