Horticulture Hotline Scheduling

Hello Horticulture Hotline Project Members!

The 2022 growing season will be arriving soon and with it the start-up of Horticulture Hotline telephone volunteering for the year.

For the past several years, Kathleen Reynolds has volunteered to do the scheduling for our phone volunteers. She is ready and eager to pass the torch to another project member who would be interested in giving the scheduling task a try. If you might be interested in taking on this task, please reply by email to the project Chair, Ann Schweitzer annschweitzer3@gmail.com, no later than January 31, 2022.

Keep in mind that if you think you might be interested but are not sure, and you would like to take it on on a trial basis, you may do so. You need not make a full year commitment but may try it and see whether it works for you.

Kathleen has offered to work with anyone wishing to try out the scheduling task to share her method for doing the scheduling. However, anyone taking on the scheduling would be free to do it in the way that works best for them.

We hope anyone even somewhat interested will respond by the January 31st deadline and give it a try. You may find, as Kathleen did, that it is a fun and rewarding way to get Horticulture Hotline project hours.

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