Instructions for the new online Hours Reporting System

(Updated 3-18-24)

One Time Setup:

  1. Click Here to go the Online Reporting System.
  2. Click ‘Enter Hours‘.
  3. Enter your email address. The new system uses your email address as your username.
  4. Click on “Forgot Password”. An email will be sent to the email address you put in the username box in Step 2 above.
    1. Follow the instructions in the email to setup your password. (This is a one-time procedure only.)
    2. Write down the password. Only you will know the password or be able to change it in the future. If you forget it in the future, click on “Forgot Password” to reset your password.

To Report Hours:

  1. Click Here or Click ‘Login To Report Hours Online‘ under ‘Links‘ in the right sidebar to go to the Master Gardener Login page:
  2. Enter your email address and new password then click Login.  
  3. When you see your home screen, click on the red button, Report Hours.
  4. Enter the date, project/education from the dropdown menu, number of hours (in quarter hour increments). You can enter hours or select from the dropdown list. Once the information is complete, click the Submit button.
  5. What you’ve entered will appear below the entry line.
  6. If you make a mistake, you can now edit it using the pencil icon under Actions.