Interview with Janet Carson
By Jane Gulley
Sally Garrison, our first PCMG President, said: “Janet built a wonderful organization from a mustard seed”.

We all know the parable of the mustard seed. Humble beginnings and faith can flourish into full-fledged success. Janet believed in the MG program and all of us, and then convinced us we could succeed.
Janet was born in St. Louis, Missouri but because her father worked for the telephone company the family moved every three years. Janet came to Little Rock when she was in the 10th grade and went to U of A Fayetteville to get her horticulture degree. She started work as a county agent 2 months after she graduated and although the County Extension Office has changed from the early days, Janet was the first full time female agricultural agent in Arkansas. In 1982 the PCMG lost Janet because she moved to the State Extension Office. The PCMG got Beth Phelps and over the years Janet and Beth have become very dear friends. Even though Janet left us for the State Extension Office she has been a constant support for us. She came back when we honored our first 10 PCMG past presidents.

Janet has a sweet husband, Clay, who can do all kinds of home improvement projects and two grown children, a son-in-law and a dog named Petals. Oh she also has two grand dogs. Clay, her husband, retired in January of 2022 after 42 years with the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Janet was with Extension 38 years. They both loved their jobs and in Janet’s words, “Our jobs were a big part of who we were as people.”
Janet gardens in the rocks of Leawood but like several of the other people who have been interviewed, her grandparents got her interested in gardening-I am thinking of Randy and Cindy. That is something for all of us need to keep in mind. We can help others develop a love of gardening. As always Janet has true words of wisdom. When I asked what her favorite plant was she said favorites change with the seasons. I thought that was a good way to keep interested in gardening all year long. She did add she likes hellebores because of their easy care and they give color December through April. More words of wisdom. Janet said she tries not to remember her gardening failures and she mentioned her tuberous begonias. They challenge her but are so rewarding when she gets blooms! Remember that old saying: “Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take small steps”. When I asked Janet about her favorite book or website she joked and said In the Garden with Janet-her real answer was Michael Dirrs book of woody plants. Her first answer In the Garden with Janet you are all familiar with because it is her question and answer article in the newspaper every Saturday.

You also know about her Blog, Plannit Janet, but did you know that over the years she has done numerous television spots and had her own television program for 8 years. The very first year she worked for the County Extension Office she had a radio show called “Ask the Expert.” It was on KARN the Arkansas Radio Network and was local for an hour. Later it went to two hours. The first hour was local and the second hour was statewide. It ran until KARN was purchased and the new owners changed the station format.

Even though my mother and I both lived in Little Rock, we talked every morning on the phone. Back in the “old” days there was no such thing as email or texting. Mother and I never talked on Saturday mornings during Janet’s program because we were both glued to the radio getting the latest gardening tips and solving gardening problems. One Saturday morning my sister called me from her home in Seattle, Washington upset after mother had asked sister if anything was wrong and after finding out all was well told sister to callback later because Janet Carson was on the radio. My sister wanted to know who in the world was Janet Carson and what was she talking about!
Janet is actually growing an edible olive tree and a pineapple guave plant but wishes she could grow lupines even though they do not grow in Arkansas. She does have interests besides gardening-hard to imagine.
She enjoys cooking and reading. Have you noticed how many gardeners enjoy reading-I guess we need an activity to let our bodies rest. I thought Janet’s advice to new gardeners was more words of wisdom: “Start small, and build on success- try, try again and have fun!” Janet has certainly been helping all of us do that over the many years she has taken her time to share her knowledge and love of gardening with us through articles, classes, radio, television and now the new-fangled internet.
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