LR Greenhouse Vegetable Transplant Sale

The Little Rock Greenhouse has vegetable transplants that are ready so if any are interested in buying some please e-mail me at and you will be assigned a time slot on Monday April 5th starting at 8.30am.

  • All available plants will be outside the greenhouses(with no entry to the greenhouses) and Extension Covid Rules(which are posted on the entry gate) will be the order of the day.
  • Each time slot will have only four shoppers assigned and the area must be cleared before the next  assignment enters so if you arrive early please stay in your car.  
  • We will accept cheques only and it will be $2 for six pack or single.
  • If we still have veggies left at the end of the day we will try to accommodate another day.

Vegetables avalable as of 3/28/2021

  • Fennel 4 ½”round–27
  • Italian Parsley large leaf 6-packs –11
  • Curly parsley 6-packs -11
  • Cilantro 4 ½”round –6
  • Bok choi 6-packs –13
  • Swiss Chard 6-packs –7
  • Chinese cabbage 6-packs –5
  • Arugula 6-packs –2
  • Dill 4 ½”round –17
  • Rosemary 3 ½”inch round –25
  • Mustard greens 3”squares –42
  • Broccoli raab 3”squares –26
  • Eggplant BlackBeauty 6-packs –10
  • Peppers Whopper
  • Peppers California Wonder
  • Peppers Gypsy
  • Catmint/Nepeta 6-packs –5
  • Sage singles –21
  • Zucchini

In addition to the list here we also think the tomatoes and peppers will be ready but DO NOT plant tomatoes before April 10th per Randy Forst.

Thank you,
Chris Feild, PCMG

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