Magnolia Chronicle on

Introduction: Beginning in 2023 the Magnolia Chronicle Newsletter will be published on the PCMG website,

Shown herein is a website version of the November/December Magnolia Chronicle. Each of the articles may be reached by clicking their link in the table of contents below and by using the navigation options described in the next two paragraphs.

At the top and bottom left and right corners of each page are navigation arrows that, when clicked, will load the next or previous article.

At the bottom of each page is a link that will Return to the Table of Contents.

Also at the bottom of each page is a ‘Leave A Reply’ comments box. Please share your comments, criticism and suggestions for improvement.

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One Response to Magnolia Chronicle on

  1. Jane Gulley says:

    I like the colored Masthead and do not see any reason to have two. The colored one is much more inviting and attractive. I really like it!

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