Maumelle Community Center: April 10 & 13

Master Gardeners worked on our Maumelle Community Center Project on Monday morning April 10, 2023 and Thursday night April 13. 16 of our members planted six Big Bang Spirea, four Little Lime Hydrangeas, four Mop Head Cypress, 92 creeping phlox and many flats of yellow and orange marigolds. Hostas, donated from one of our members was planted in our fairy garden. It was an very busy planting time.

The watering pitchers for our prior Chair and CoChair, Amy Hatfield and Anne Mitchell have returned from our local artist Lynda Mitchell. They were beautiful and finally handed over the Amy and Anne.

After our planting Monday morning, Janet Poole and Barbara Baker spoke to our local Lions Club. The history of Master Gardeners within all fifty states and the beginning of MG in Arkansas were discussed. A very interesting story!

Happy Gardening!!

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