Message From Our President: November 10, 2023

Carol Mendel

Master Gardeners, 

Don’t forget that this Tuesday, November 14th is our next meeting. Please come hungry…because there will be a reception for our newest members after the meeting!    

Besides voting on our submitted county awards, we will also be voting on our slate of officers for the 2024 year. (Nominations are listed at the bottom of this letter)  ALSO at this meeting we will be taking orders for our new master gardener clothing with our logo on it. You can go on our website now to look at the merchandise and even fill out the order form.  Again, members will be available at the Tuesday meeting to take your orders.   

And one last reminder:  sign up now for the Dec. 5th Holiday luncheon at Chenal Country Club.  Space is limited and filling up quickly.  You can bring your check for that event to the Tuesday meeting.   

See you Tuesday!
Carol Mendel, President

2023 PCMG Nominating Report for 2024 Board Positions (effective 1/16/2024)

President:     Sara Jordan

1st VP:           Pam Abrams

2nd VP:          Michele Wasson

Past Pres:     Carol Mendel

Secy:             Deeana Montgomery

Treas:            Andy Kessel

Asst Treas:     Arlene Sevilla-White

At large:        Susan Rose/Melody Parsley/Ann Griffin/Elizabeth Devlin

Rotating off the board: 

Cindy Strauss/Nancy Archer/Blanca Hernandez/Pam Gadberry

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