Mount Holly Garden Series 2021

Mount Holly Garden Series Resumes in 2021

We regret that COVID-19 canceled our Mount Holly Garden Series in 2020, but the Downtown Dames are anxious to resume our popular event in 2021.  Mount Holly is still closed to larger events.  With respect to the cemetery guidelines and the guidelines of the City of Little Rock, the April, May and June meetings will be held in Margaret Wyatt’s yard, 1600 Louisiana Street, Little Rock, AR, 72206.  Louisiana is one block west of Main Street.

The situation will be re-evaluated in June.  Once it is safe to meet at Mount Holly, we will continue the lectures and programs at the Bell House.

The guidelines for our resuming the Mount Holly Garden Series are simple.  We are meeting at a private home.  Therefore, everyone attending will need to bring a lawn chair, socially distance and wear a mask.  We regret that no public bathroom will be available.  Refreshments will not be served, so feel free to bring a cup of coffee with you.

Mark your calendars for the 3rd Saturday morning, April through October at 9:00 A.M., and please join us! A suggested donation benefits projects at Mount Holly Cemetery.

We have outstanding programs scheduled for 2021:

April 17, 2021, Fascinating Facts for Successful Gardens and Lawns, by Andrew Kenley of Natural State Horticare.

May 15, 2021, Monarch Flower Gardens, by Leslie Fowler.

June 19, 2021, Container Water Gardens, So Great to Grow, by Mark Gibson of Green Thumb Water Gardens.  Mark will also have organic blackberries and blueberries for sale that morning!!

July 17, 2021, Wildflowers on Arkansas Roadways, by Joe Ledvina, Arkansas Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources.

August 21, 2021, Easy, Carefree Ground Covers, for Sun and Shade, by Susan Rose, Master Gardener.

September 18, 2021, African Violets 101, by Danny Tidwell, Arkansas African Violet Society.

October 16, 2021, Fall Plantings, Taking You Through Winter into Spring, by Ted Lewis of Floral Express.

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