Old Mill: 2020-05-22

Old Mill Update:

Although the Old Mill park remains closed, the NLR Parks Dept. has been kind enough to let some of the Old Mill MGs in to do some work on the beds and plants on a few occasions during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Some of us were able to work this past Wednesday, with proper precautions per the CDC guidelines (social distancing is not a problem because the park is so large!).  We still have some azaleas blooming, along with oak-leaf hydrangeas, various lilies, drift and knock-out roses, coreopsis, butterfly bush, abelia, dianthus, wild geranium, various irises, and sweetspire.  Pictures are attached of our hard-working members and our beautiful project.  I hope everyone can come by once the park reopens.

Valerie, PCMG Old Mill Chair

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