Pathfinder Greenhouse: 2021 Plant Sale Report & Thank You

Hello fellow PCMGs!

We at the Pathfinder Greenhouse Committee in Jacksonville would like to thank you for all your support with our 2021 Plant sale. It was successful beyond our imaginations. The online orders and sales were phenomenal! It was definitely a learning experience for our committee. In addition to fellow PCMG members shopping, we advertised in the local Jacksonville paper with much success (as is usual for Jacksonville), and we had Master Gardeners from Faulkner County, Prairie County and Fayetteville place orders as well as shop. Since it was so successful, we are seriously considering doing the online sale in addition to in person shopping again in the future. We made a nice profit that will go into the general PCMG fund for all to benefit from.

Again, thank you for your support.

Pathfinder Greenhouse Committee

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