PCMG hours requirements

These requirements are verbatim from our PCMG Volunteer manual, pg 5

Hours required in your first year: New MGs must provide at least 40 work hours and obtain at least 20 education hours in their first year. Regarding the work hours, at least 20 must be served on the Master Gardener’s assigned sanctioned project. The remaining 20 hours may be served, in any combination, in any of the following areas: the same project, another sanctioned project, a committee, or community outreach.

Hours required after your first year: to remain members in good standing, MGs must provide at least 20 work hours and obtain 20 education hours per year. Regarding the work hours, at least 10 must be served on the Master Gardener’s assigned project. The remaining 10 hours may be served, in any combination, in any of the following areas: another sanctioned project, a committee, or community outreach. A member who pays their dues but does not work the required hours 20/40 (20 for members and 40 for new members) hours will be placed on probation for the following year. They must complete 40/60 hours during the probation year. Failure to do so will result in immediate termination from Master Gardeners.