PCMG Meeting: 2021-06-15

Pulaski County Master Gardeners
General Meeting
15 June 2021


Welcome – Sharon Priest

A Moment in History – Jane Gulley

Speaker Introduction: Randy Forst 
Speaker: Heather Isbell:

Owner – Izzy’s Restaurant in Little Rock
Avid “naturalscape” and pollinator habitat gardener
Lives on 12 acres of woodlands and open sun and has created a self sustaining habitat for birds, butterflies and pollinators.
Favorite garden designer is the Dutch landscape designer Piet Oudolf who plants in bold drifts of perennials and grasses.
All gardening experience has been learned from watching nature and allowing the plants to go where they want to.
Gardens include host plants and nectar plants for all all of Arkansas’ butterflies.

Click Here for all of the presenter’s Materials (SlideShow, Planting SpreadSheets, Brochure, Photos)

Ramblings with Randy


Click Here for the Meeting Recording This link expires in 30 days, probably July 14.

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