PCMG Monthly Meeting Announcement – February 21st

Message from Carol Mendel:

Derek Reed

Good news Master Gardeners…our new agent Derek Reed has arrived, and he looks just like his picture from our last meeting’s PowerPoint! 

Derek has hit the ground running and has already worked with several of us doing some MG “housekeeping” chores. I think you’ll enjoy his enthusiasm and willingness to learn about our program.

Plan to come to our next meeting to learn more about him… Derek is our program!

The meeting starts at 11:30am, at St. James United Methodist Church located at 321 Pleasant Valley Drive in Little Rock.

Also, project chairs/co-chairs don’t forget to let Sara Jordan know if you are attending the chair orientation meeting after the general meeting.  Derek will be available there, also.

I’m looking forward to seeing everybody,

Carol Mendel

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