PCMG Notes 08-17-2020

These are my angel trumpets. They have started to bloom a little, but they sure have gotten tall.

Hopefully this week will be a little more comfortable weather-wise.  That means we can get out and work without feeling like we are going to pass out.  I know many of you are working on your projects and doing a great job!  Love seeing all the pictures.

September is fast approaching and we will resume our meetings. Unfortunately, we will have to continue via zoom.  Frankly, I’m of the opinion that zoom meetings will continue until the end of the year or until the positivity rate goes to 5%.  So the quicker we can slow this monster down the sooner we can get back to new normal.

Don’t forget to pick up your t-shirt from the extension office. You have already paid for it! 

I know that we are not a political organization but I feel I would be remiss if I did not caution you to apply for and return your absentee ballot early, if that’s how you are planning to vote this year.

Some thoughts on sunflowers. These come from The Curious Gardener’s Almanac by Niall Edworthy.

“Each mature sunflower produces 40% of its weight in oil.”

“Sunflower stems were once used to fill life jackets before the invention of synthetic materials.”

“The sunflower is a native plant of the Americas, where the Indians used its seed as an important source of food. The Incas of Peru were sun worshippers and used it in religious ceremonies. The sunflower leans toward the sun in a process known as heliotropism.” 

Stay well and Happy Gardening.

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

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