PCMG Notes 09-03-2020

Well, some refreshing rain!  Things are greening up and we can turn our sprinklers off and save money! 

If you need hours, here’s a great opportunity.  Since the virus reared it’s ugly head, we were unable to do any work at St. James. Pam Gadberry has graciously offered to oversee some workdays so you can get all your hours done.  Remember these hours can be used for your sanctioned project. Also remember that the covid guidelines apply. There are lots of areas that you can be separated and of course masks. There can be no more than 10 gardeners in any one area. Please contact Pam by email pamgadberry@comcast. net or call or text 501-680-7124.  Thanks Pam.

I also think that some of you may not know whether or not you ordered a t-shirt  in February.  I am working on putting together a list of those who ordered but not picked up. I will let you know where the list is when ready.

Look who got his braces off! 
What a great smile!

Looks like the virus will be with us a while longer. So our next meeting will be on Zoom.  You will be getting an invitation from Randy in a couple of weeks.  Jodie Mahoney is working on getting us a speaker and if you have any announcements, please let me know so I can prepare a slide.  While this is clearly not my preferred method of getting to see you all, our health is more important.  You know that old song “we’ll meet again, don’t know where don’t know when, but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day”.

In the meantime, stay well and Happy Gardening!

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

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