PCMG Notes 08-03-2020

Hard to believe it’s August and the virus is still raging. School is about to start which means for many of us, not being able to see our grandchildren. Ugh!

Our crape myrtles are providing lots of color. And while the heat hasn’t been too bad this year, it has still been hot. This week is offering a respite from the humidity. There’s a hint of Fall in the early morning.

Some of my containers are looking a little worse for the heat despite watering daily.  I have managed to was windows, inside and out, in the past couple of weeks.

Many of you have already heard the warnings about seeds arriving in the mail unsolicited. Please don’t plant them. Call the US Department of Agriculture for instructions.

Many of you ordered and paid for “President’s” T-shirts in February. They are available for pick at the county extension office.

Thanks to those of you who gave me ideas on what to do with the grands. Haven’t had a chance to do anything yet, but I will.

Again there is no meeting in August but I am planning to have another zoom meeting for September. If you have any announcements, please let me know. I am also counting on Jodie to get us another great speaker.

I’m sure all of you , like me are experiencing covid fatigue. The sooner we can get majority use of masks, hand washing and social distancing and staying away from crowds, the sooner we can get back to the new normal. So please be diligent.

Maggie Mae Rose

Here is another family member for your scrap book. This is my grand dog Maggie Mae Rose. She is a very sweet Lab who failed duck hunting school but her sweetness makes up for it.

Have a great week enjoy this weather while you can and don’t forget, masks, hand washing, social distancing and stay away from crowds.
Happy Gardening!

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

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