PCMG Notes 07-20-2020

Starting out with a couple of reminders.

  • We will not be having a meeting this month or next and probably September will be another Zoom meeting.  Disappointing but our health remains a priority.
  • The other reminder is those President’s t-shirts that you ordered months ago are available for pick up at the extension office. Remember, you have already paid for them so please pick yours up.

The heat and humidity are pretty oppressive but I see so many of you are keeping up with your projects. I think everyone is enjoying seeing the pictures.  Keep up the good work!
I try to get out early in the yard. The temperature is better but the humidity is usually higher. So far,  things are still looking good despite needing to water my containers every day.
This heat is also making it harder to stay home. Too hot to be outside and not many places to go where you are not in a crowd.  I’m facing a challenge with trying to do something with the grands that they will enjoy and it’s not so hot. Any suggestions?

Here’s a couple of pictures of my containers.

Remember, the numbers may look flat, but they are still high and the hospitalizations are still going up. 
I sincerely hope that people will take seriously the mask mandate. I see it as a matter of respect for one another.
Please encourage everyone to wear a mask.

In the meantime, stay healthy and cool. Happy Gardening!

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

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