PCMG Notes 09-28-2020

I’m so excited.  I love this weather!  Cooler temps, pumpkins.  And speaking of pumpkins, I went out to the Demo Garden at the 4H Center to pick out some pumpkins.  They are having a sale tomorrow from 9AM – 2PM benefiting scholarships for 4H.  The pumpkins are fresh, all kinds, all colors and reasonably priced.  So go and support 4H!

And speaking of the Demo Garden, it looks great.  Kathy and crew have done a terrific job.  They are working on some expansion and this will be an ongoing project.  The Demo Garden is something we can all be proud of.  Check it out when you go for your pumpkins.

My guess is that you are all tired of the covid virus, but I’m afraid it will be with us for several months to come.  And with the impending flu season, the experts are concerned about a double whammy.  So first of all get your flu shot.  I got mine last week.  Also wear a mask.  I know they are uncomfortable but they save lives.  Wash your hands and social distance.  If you have twenty something kids or grandkids, encourage them to follow the guidelines and keep to small group gatherings.  Tell them the life they save may be yours! or theirs!

Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather.  Perfect for cleaning, planning and transplanting your garden.  I have to admit that I probably jumped the gun a little and replaced my scraggly and overgrown containers with violas and pansies.  I’ve saved a couple of spots for some cool wave pansies.  I’ll take pics when they fill out a little. 

Stay well and Happy Gardening!!

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

P.S. First of all, we love getting everyone’s pictures but please limit to 5 pictures in jpeg format so that everyone can open them.  Sometimes the files are too big for everyone to open.
No PDFs please and no power points.

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