PCMG – President’s Message: 2023-06-12

Carol Mendel

Dear Master Gardener,

Those of you that went to the recent state meeting in Russellville (and I heard it was great!) got to see our own Collin Galloway announced as the recipient of a Janet Carson Scholarship. He will use his scholarship at ASU, where he is a plant/soil science major. Congratulations Collin! As MG rookie of the year, we already knew you were special. And, of course, we all know that Collin’s grandfather, Charles Anderson, is also a PCMG!

I wanted to take a minute to go over a few project details. Do you remember that the board recently voted to double our project money to $400 per project? To receive that money, the project chair needs to submit a clean receipt with reimbursement form (Click Here) to Arlene Sevilla-White. Up to $400 is the only amount Arlene is authorized to reimburse. In the rare case that you need more money, you MUST get Board approval first. With 32 projects, any overages impact our yearly budget. As per your host agreement, you should always look to that group for resources first.

And, just a reminder, in order to keep our projects equally filled with active members (and keep up with everyone) we ask that you only change projects in January…and then go through your project chair first. Any questions, feel free to contact me or Sara Jordan, who coordinates with our chairs.

I’m looking forward to our next membership meeting Tuesday, June 20th. After a short program by our own Blanca Hernandez, we will be giving away tons of door prizes, then going to our refreshment room to celebrate with snacks and our tee shirt giveaways. If you can’t make the meeting, and you paid your dues on time, you may send a friend to pick up your shirt. We will also be giving out Years of Service pins if you haven’t already picked them up at the county office.

It’s been a great first half of our 35th year as master gardeners in Arkansas.

See you at the meeting!

Carol Mendel

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