PCMG Weekly Digest: June 16, 2023

Dear Master Gardener,

Welcome to the latest issue of the Pulaski County Master Gardener Weekly Digest! Read on to see how the week played out and to find out what’s coming up.

As the summer approaches some activities are taking a hiatus, like our monthly meetings. This coming Tuesday is T-Shirt-Tuesday! Join us for the last membership meeting until September. They Hydroponics Workshop is getting closer. If you haven’t registered, there is a link below; hurry, space is limited. Also below, you will find more tomato diagnoses with Issue 17 from the Plant Lab, your President’s message, our office closing notice, some 4H BBQ judges and there is still plenty of other research and education going on in Extension. Remember to click the icons below to find out more on those subjects.  

Office Closing

The Pulaski County Extension office is following suit with the rest of Pulaski County Administration and will be closed Monday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth. I will be checking voicemail and email periodically and Agents will be working in their respective fields, but the building will be closed. Thank you in advance for your patience on replies during this time. We will resume regular work hours on Tuesday, June 20th.

Carol Mendel

President’s Message

If you haven’t checked your email yet, you can also read Carol Mendel’s message by Clicking Here. She talks about the State Rookie of the Year, our own Collin Galloway, project allowances/reimbursements and lots of other good stuff.

Monthly Meeting 

A t-shirt with a graphic design

Description automatically generated with low confidence  *** THE TIME HAS ARRIVED FOR T-SHIRT-TUESDAY *** Please join your fellow Master Gardeners Tuesday, June 20th for the last monthly meeting of the summer. There will be a short program then you can gather upstairs for refreshments and dues-t-shirts. Service Awards, pre-ordered replacement name badges and other items for individuals will be available for pickup at the sign-in tables. Please be sure to check if you are on the lists, you might be surprised by what has accumulated in our offices and belongs to you. Remember monthly meetings are always the third Tuesday of the month, except July, August & December (no meetings those months). Meeting time and place for Tuesday, June 20th, is 11:30am-1pm at St. James United Methodist Church, 321 Pleasant Valley Drive, LR. (no link associated with icon).

Master Gardener Logo

May’s General Membership meeting is available for your viewing pleasure, Click Here. Record those hours…two for each monthly meeting! Be honest with yourself and watch it all the way through. Wish I could attend in person, but video is the next best thing. 😊

Thank You!
Six of our Master Gardeners helped with the judging of the Pulaski County 4H Broiler BBQ and Turkey Contest. Click Here to see the kids and the judges. I’m sorry to say, I was not able to get pictures of the winners and the dishes they cooked. Thank you for helping the Pulaski County 4H program!

Seminars & Education
***ATTENTION: THE HYDROPONICS WORKSHOP WILL SOON BE OPENING TO THE PUBLIC!! SPACES ARE LIMITED AND NOW YOU CAN REGISTER/PAY ONLINE*** Our own Derek Reed will be conducting a hydroponics seminar with Rob Galloway from The Nurserie (7901 Stagecoach Rd, LR) on July 13th at the State Extension Office. Registration of $15.00 is required. Rob has been featured on Arkansas PBS’s “Good Roots” program. Check out Rob’s interview HERE. Register early by clicking the flyer as this Workshop will soon be released to other county MG’s programs and the public. Limited seating available. After registering, be sure to print the flyer for that refrigerator-reminder. You can also contact the County office at 501-340-6650 to register.

Here’s something different…research results on vegetable, fruit and turfgrass field trials will be presented June 28 during the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s 2023 Horticulture Field Day at the Southwest Research and Extension Center in Hope. To find out more, Click Here.

The State Office is putting on a seminar about hybridizing daylilies on June 29th from 10am to 2pm. The cost is $25 per person and includes lunch. Seating is limited. Click Here for the registration form.

 Garland County is conducting and Herbal Experience tomorrow, Saturday, June 17th at 10am. Registration is not needed. You will find Debbie Tripp of Rosemary Hill Herb Farm conducting at the Garland County Library 1427 Malvern Ave, Hot Springs. (no link associated with picture).

Plant Disease Notes
Those of you with your veggie gardens producing may be experiencing issues with your tomatoes already. This is not a repeat…take a look at the latest Plant Disease issue (#17) on Tomato Bacterial Wilt. You can also search past postings if you have other ailing plants. The Facebook link on our website will take you to the most recent posting from the lab.

Do you have Loblolly Pines?
Artificial intelligence is helping Extension identify pine decline in Arkansas. As this is our State Tree, I thought I would share. There is a link in the article for you to report issues you are seeing with your own loblolly pine trees.  

Are you bothered by Bugs?
I don’t know about you all, but little biting insects love me, and I should probably have stock in some repellent company. Click the logo for Gerald Klingaman’s Musings on Nature to read what he has to say about insect repellents.  

Have you ever thought of being a specialty farmer? Follow the icon’s link to a story about a man who went through the CAFF Farm School offered by Extension. Then follow links on the story page to the Center for Arkansas Farms and Food program to learn more about how you can do this to.

Governor Sanders’ Farmer’s Market Proclamation was delivered June 9th stating June 11th – 17th is now Farmer’s Market Week. 

Remember all of these tours, seminars, and articles count toward your Education Hours…be sure to track your time.

Calendar Photos

The State Office is looking for more photos for next year’s Master Gardener calendar. Dig through your photos to find your best Fall pics and submit them by June 22nd. Click the “mums” to go to the PCMG website with the photo formatting information.

State Horticulture Office
The latest from our State Horticulture Educator, Randy Forst, plus lots of other cool links to the UAEX website. Click the link, then look down the right side of the page for Janet Carson’s blog, the PCMG Facebook page, local nursery links and much more.

Please be sure to enter your time online for any Education Hours such as reading this email, going to a seminar or attending the Monthly Membership Meeting by clicking this link https://arkmg.uada.edu/accounts/login/?next=/home/. If you need help logging in, give me a call or check out the instructions on our website.

All of these things and more can be found on your PCMG Directory website or a link on the Directory website will take you to the proper page. Please explore and know that the following items will be available all the time on our website thanks to Paul Nolte.

About the PCMG Directory website (armgs.orgHome Page

The Home Page consists of a List of Posts that have been made to the website.

§ The first post in the list will always be the most current Magnolia Chronicle newsletter.

§ After the Magnolia Chronicle will be a list of all other posts in reverse chronological order. 

§ Scroll down through the list and Click on any item you wish to see.  

Other Links:

  • To see a list of All Weekly Digests: Click Here
  • To see a list of 2023 Magnolia Chronicles: Click Here
  • To see a list of All Announcements: Click Here
  • To see a list of All Projects that have submitted Workday Photos: Click Here

About the Division of Agriculture

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs and services without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.   

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s mission is to strengthen agriculture, communities, and families by connecting trusted research to the adoption of best practices. Through the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, the Division of Agriculture conducts research and extension work within the nation’s historic land grant education system.

The Division of Agriculture is one of 20 entities within the University of Arkansas System. It has offices in all 75 counties in Arkansas and faculty on five system campuses. 

Take care and happy growing!


Tina Coley
Administrative Specialist III
UADA | CES | Pulaski County
2901 W Roosevelt Rd
Little Rock, AR 72204
Phone: (501) 340-6650

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