Pinnacle Mountain Workday: 2021-08-05

Pinnacle Master Gardeners work the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month as long as the weather cooperates. Part of our workday includes a review of what is budding and blooming in the four areas around the Visitor’s Center and parking area – and out of this review is usually a learning experience.  We are fortunate to have seasoned Master Gardeners that enjoy sharing their knowledge with the Pinnacle Team.  This day Don Ford shared the difference in the two Ironweed plants. One is an Arkansas Ironweed the other is a Missouri Ironweed  In one picture you see the two types of Ironweeds. Take a look at the filament under the bloom of one of the plants – this is the Arkansas Ironweed.    

We invite the PCMG to come out to Pinnacle to see the beautiful native plants.  Lots of buzzing going!

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