Plant of the Month: Impatiens

Impatiens are the most popular flowering annual for the shade in Arkansas gardens. Native to Tanzania and Mozambique, they come in a wide range of colors and will grow and bloom until frost in light to heavy shade, provided they get ample moisture and fertilization. Today, though, impatiens are not just shade plants. Newer to the market are the Sunpatiens—large flowered annuals which will grow in full sun to light shade. In deep shade, they are not as full-flowering. Unlike some of the early touted sun-loving impatiens (which required you stand next to them with a garden hose), these will tolerate slightly drier conditions than most impatiens. Some gardeners still prefer to give them a bit of afternoon shade, but with just average moisture and fertilization, these Sunpatiens have been performing quite well across the state. Each year, we see a larger color palette. With larger foliage and flowers than common impatiens, these can make a dramatic color splash in the garden. Regardless of your light conditions, there is an impatiens plant for any garden.

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