Plant of the Month: March, 2023

Plant of the Month – English Primroses

English Primroses

The showy, colorful blooms on English primroses are now gracing nurseries and greenhouses with delicate-looking compact plants. They are a sure sign that spring is on the horizon. Native to the Himalayas and cool regions of Southeast Asia and Europe, they thrive with a combination of moist, rich soil and cool, humid air. Unfortunately, they are unhappy during Arkansas’ hot, humid summers, but they are an excellent addition to early-season colors.

English Primroses

While we usually think of just two seasons of annuals—the warm season for summer and the cool season for winter—we also have spring and fall. While the warm and cool season plants often extend their bloom periods into these seasons, some years we may have less color than others. “Shoulder plants,” or those that won’t last a long time but are showy and can help us through the transition, include English primroses. Whether you plant some in the ground or containers, keep them evenly moist but not water-logged, and they will bloom until hot weather arrives. 

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