President’s Message: May 2023

Carol Mendel

Our thoughts are definitely with those effected by the recent devastating tornados. We all know someone who has suffered, and several of our master gardeners took great loses.  John Donne’s poem “No man is an Island” runs through my mind as I watch so many selflessly come together to help each other. It’s an uplifting sight among terrible loss..  And it puts into perspective my concern over which of my shrubs made it through the recent winter!

As gardeners we are ever hopeful, and it is joyful to watch our group do such good work around the county.  37 master gardeners worked at St James for spring clean-up.  Susan Rose got an excellent group on such short notice.  And the PEST group (cute name for project evaluation committee) met with 3 outstanding projects:  Little Rock greenhouse, St Hospital, and State Extension office.  We were blown away by the projects and their leaders.  It’s worth your time to go visit these sites.  (And the state office has an amazing nature walking trail…in the heart of the city!)

Linda Ahlen has put a lot of work into our new (and free) t shirts.  We hope to get the order into the company in early May and have them at the June meeting.  This spring we will ONLY do our t shirt order, then in the fall we will have a broader “stuff” order that you can check out.

Bo Renshaw, a physical therapist, was our speaker for the April meeting. He presented us with tips on preventing injuries in the garden.  And we changed up our meeting format a little bit.  We had our speaker first, then business, then Derek talked a bit about petunias.

Good things are happening at PCMG.  Come be a part of it! 

See you at the May meeting.

Carol Mendel

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