President’s Message: April, 2023

Carol Mendel

President’s Letter

Why does March always take me by surprise?   Give me a few days of warm sunny weather, and I grab my garden tools and head out into the garden.  And I expect that spring-like pattern to hold…until I watch the temps plummet a few days later.  But at least the time outside allows me to walk about in my yard.  And, of course, I have several dead plants like many of us.

A gardener friend and I got cocky and bought some new introductions:  virburnum “moonlit lace”…now dead.  A brand new small gardenia…now dead. A new dogwood introduction…now dead.  However, a new spirea called “Candy Corn” survived and looks amazing.  An illicium called “BananAppeal” should be dead but has thrived. And a new Persian parrotia “Golden bell tower,” is leafing out and looks like a stunner.  However, my garden guru friend tells me I have it planted in the wrong place! Ugh.

But spring will get here eventually, and in the meantime, the nurseries are starting to get their deliveries in.  Don’t forget that as master gardeners we usually get a 10% discount.  Either show your membership card or wear your name tag.

At the March meeting, we will announce our service year awards and will also hear from two of our projects and discover what they are working on.

And those dead plants in my yard?  The good news is that when I yank them up the holes have already been dug and will await new plants.

See you at the meeting!

Carol Mendel, President

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