President’s Message: January, 2023

Carol Mendel

2023…it happens so fast these days, doesn’t it!  By the time you read this, the new MG board will have already had an orientation meeting, and we may have already had our first general meeting of the year.  Sara Jordan, our first VP, has scheduled a project chair/co-chair meeting for February; we’ve formed a new IT committee chaired by Paul Nolte, and the board has voted to give each project $400 per year.

Also, we are working on a new format for the Magnolia Chronicle (with a new look) and have a new editor:  Laura Anne Warren.  Many thanks to Susan Rose for her years as an editor of this monthly resource.

Our new county coordinator, Derek Reed, starts February 1.  I know we are all looking forward to breaking him in!

Cindy Strauss has volunteered to help us clean up our membership files to see how many are active and working on projects.  This information will help us decide if we need new membership training in the fall.

So, we all have plenty on our plates for 2023.  I’m excited to be your new president and learn more about each of you…why you became a master gardener?

Until then, happy gardening.

Carol Mendel
President’s Message

And PS…report those hours as you work them!

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