President’s Message: January 8, 2024

Carol Mendel

As 2024 comes in strong, we celebrate our 36th year of the master gardener program in Arkansas.  The first meeting of the year will be (as always) the third Tuesday of the month:  January 16th at 11.30.

I’ll be excited to hand over the gavel to our extremely competent new president Sara Jordan.  Besides our awards presentations, there will be some new ideas and programs that you will want to hear about at the meeting.

It may be a cliché, but I have truly enjoyed this last year being your president.  By being more involved I have made new friends, and this sense of being a part of the larger program has enriched my life in many ways.  Plus, I’ve had a lot of laughs and had a really good time!   

I realize that I’m biased, but your 2024 board is incredibly dedicated and will bring many new ideas to the table.  They, along with Derek, have already met and will continue to meet before the January 16th meeting.

 The definition of camaraderie is” the mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together”.  That quality defines our new board, our projects, and I hope our group as a whole.

Thank you for a great year!

Carol Mendel, proud to be PCMG president 2023. 

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