President’s Message: October 2023

Carol Mendel

October is shaping up to be a busy and exciting month for our Master Gardener group.

On October 11th we start our fall training class. We will have 5 classes (Oct. 11 & 25, Nov 11, 8 & 15).   Any member in good standing is able to attend those classes, but if you stay for lunch, you must bring your own. The Nov. 8th class, which will be held at the county office, has a seating limitation so you will be unable to attend that session.  

October 13th is our 35 th anniversary MG celebration at St. James church. I hope most of you have already signed up…35 years as a service organization in Arkansas is quite an chievement.  October 17 th is our monthly meeting. Our speaker will be Dr. Anthony Bowden, the ornamental horticulture specialist with State Extension. Who does not like to talk ornamentals? After the October meeting Derek will have a mentoring workshop for those MG’s who are mentoring the new class, to be held at the church.

We are still looking for a Magnolia Chronicle editor and co-editor, as well as a chairperson for Busy Bees. The board has worked hard to set up a template for both committees and we have board members who will mentor each group. We are committed to “Bee” recognition for 2023, but unless we find a committee for this group going forward, we will have to discontinue the program.

PLEASE record those hours! The end of the year is fast approaching (our Christmas Social is December 5 th ) and you cannot enter hours after December 15 th . Also, any leave of absence requests must be submitted to the board by the November meeting: November 21 st .

I have made this comment often, but my favorite part of being a bad member is going with the PEST group (Project evaluation and support team) to visit the various projects. I am so impressed by the hard work, dedication, and joy that our group brings to their work.  I wonder if Janet Carson had any idea in 1988 about the impact that the master
gardener program would have in Arkansas? HAPPY 35 th ! See you at the meeting.
Carol Mendel

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