Presidents Message: September 2023

Carol Mendel

I’m so relieved that September is here.  Even if the heat does not totally relax, I know that cooler weather is around the corner. I have been in my current house 2 years now…and I have made all of the obvious rookie mistakes.  I was not patient enough to evaluate my landscape, but immediately jumped in and made many changes! Now I am waiting for a cooler fall so that I can “re-arrange” some of my plants and correct some of those eager mistakes. My bad. But as the experts say, you don’t know a plant until you’ve killed it three times. But wait until you see my outdoor folly. It turned out great!    

We have an amazing group taking the fall class that starts October 11th. You’ll hear more about their training in our September meeting. Also, don’t forget to sign up for the October 13th MG event celebrating 35 years of master gardeners in Arkansas.  Luckily for us it will be held here in Little Rock.   

Arlene Sevilla-White’s husband Scott, along with Janet Poole, Deeana Montgomery and a few others met to update and improve our Busy Bee reporting.  They have done an amazing job and the whole process should be much easier to track and maintain going forward. HOWEVER, unless we find a NEW CHAIR to put a committee together this program WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE.  So, if the Busy Bee program is important to you we need HELP in finding that person.  Please reach out to Deeana Montgomery or me if you are willing to step up and volunteer.   

You have no idea how hard your board has been working this summer so that the master gardener program continues to flourish in Pulaski County.  Which brings me to a special shout out to DEREK…who has made all of our working meetings and been there every step of the way as we become better organized.  Derek personally called each new class member to welcome them into our fall training program.  Honestly, for someone who knew next to nothing about master gardeners, his willingness to learn and work with us has been impressive.

I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone this fall and at our first meeting back.  See you September 19th

Carol Mendel

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