President’s Report: December, 2022

Cindy Strauss

As a gardener I look forward to the winter months for rest, by now I am tired of grass mowing. It is a time to take stock of what did and did not work in my yard, leaf through gardening catalogs and dream of what my garden could be. I love the color of the trees currently as they prepare for their months of rest, I even enjoy them in the winter for their structure without leaves. I think it very fitting our Master Gardener logo is of a strong tree.

My year as President is winding down, I have to say thank you to all Pulaski County Master Gardeners for your kindness and support this year. I tell people often just what a great organization we have. There is so much knowledge, generosity, and friendship in our group. It has been my privilege to work with board members Carol Mendel, Sara Jordan, Sharon Priest, Pam Gadberry, Susan Stewart, Jill Bloom, Deeana Montgomery, Pam Abrams, Blanca Hernandez, Jan Brandeburg and Nancy Archer. They have worked long hours making our organization run smoothly, thank you to each. I would be remiss if I did not thank Randy Forst, my go to for questions, for keeping me on the straight and narrow. A special thanks to Tina Coley for always sending emails and keeping us all informed.

I want to thank Susan Rose for her many outstanding years as editor of this publication, she sends gentle reminders and keeps me on track for her deadlines. A huge thank you to Jane Gulley for her wonderful monthly meeting segments. To all of you that serve as project chairs, co-chairs, committee chairs or members thank you, we run smooth because of you also.

I have so very much enjoyed my four years on the board and look forward to one more as PEST chair. I have had a lot of fun, met, and gotten to know so many of you and found new and close friends as President. It has been an honor and a privilege.

Thank you all.
Your friend,
Cindy Strauss

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