The St. Joseph Pollinator Garden has been hard at work over the summer months. It has been a major effort on the part of the Master Gardener group in full sun to get the Bermuda grass and nutsedge under control in all the landscape zones. We have risen to the challenge, and tamed the weeds by manually digging them out, laying cardboard and mulching heavily. We had an AmeriCorps team staying over the summer and they spent time with us, learning about Arkansas native plants, pollinators, host specialists and how to clear non-native invasives! We also have been adding more native plants and shrubs to increase the biodiversity and provide more pollen and nectar sources for all seasons. There are many events and daily visits to St. Josephs by the public, so it is a wonderful place to showcase this garden and help folks learn more about supporting the environment. Birthday parties, Innovation Hub classes for kids, Farmstand visits, Summer markets are just a few activities enjoyed here. AmeriCorps team spruced up the sign for us so it is easy to read.
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