Two New PCMG Projects

Dear Master Gardener,

Thank you to everyone who showed up and participated in today’s big meeting! Huge shout out to Rand Retzloff for his wonderful presentation today.

I wanted to be first to tell everyone that we officially have two new Master Gardener Projects!

That’s right both the Juvenile Detention Center and St. Joseph Pollinator Garden both received an overwhelming vote in their favor. If you see anyone from either project, please congratulate them on a job well done. If you are interested in learning more about either project, feel free to reach out myself or Tina and we will get you in contact with someone on the project.

Please don’t forget to show up to our next meeting, June 20th, as it is our last meeting until summer break. Additionally, you will be able pick up your FREE T-SHIRT as well as a small reception with snacks provided to all who show up!

If there is anything I can do to help you, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Happy Gardening,
Derek Reed
Pulaski County Horticulture Extension 

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