Urgent Message for MG Hours/Dues

Pulaski County Master Gardeners,

A large number of Pulaski County Master Gardeners have not logged in their hours.  The deadline for reporting hours and paying 2017 Dues is December 15th!  You have only 10 days left!  

To be a Pulaski Master Gardener in good standing,  the required number of hours will have to be reported in the data base and 2017 dues will have to be paid by December 15th.   If you need help in entering hours, please contact your project chair.  If you owe 2017 Dues, please mail check made payable to PCMG in the amount of $30.00 to (See my email for payee and address).  Dues mailed must be postmarked by December 15th.  Any questions regarding your dues, please contact the treasurer (see my email for the treasurer;sname and number).

The hours and dues report will be printed and audited on December 18th.  Any Pulaski County Master Gardener who is not in good standing will receive a letter of termination from the Pulaski County Master Gardener program.


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