Governor’s Mansion Vegegable Garden: 2021-08-30

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Argenta: 2021-07-19

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Cammack U/A System: 2021-08-26

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Message From Randy: COVID Update 2021-08-11

Hey Guys,

As you are no doubt aware, COVID-19 cases are very high in Arkansas right now.

Social distancing, masks, limited meetings, and other preventative measures should be the order of the day.

Although vaccination rates are increasing, we are again in a risky time for transmission of the new Delta variant of this virus. 

Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our valuable volunteers.  I urge the vaccinated and non-vaccinated alike to consider wearing a mask at your work project sites, events and other high-risk activities. 

I also want to make sure that you are staying hydrated during this heat.  Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water

Stay Safe,

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-08-23

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on August 23, 2021. We mostly weeded wherever needed help.

Because of the heat we only worked an hour. Afterwards we gathered for an meeting.

Happy Gardening!!

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Central Arkansas Iris Society: 2021 Rhizome Sale

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Mount Holly Garden Series: 2021-08-21

PCMG Susan Rose made a great presentation this morning on ‘Easy and Carefree Groundcovers for Sun and Shade.

If you have not been attending the Garden Series preentations you should mark your calendar and try to attend the last two of the 2021 Series. The dates are available on the website under Calendars, PCMG Calendar. Click Here to view the calendar.

To download and/or print a copy of Susan’s handout, Easy and Carefree Groundcovers, Click Here. This document is also available on under Susan Rose on the MG Info menu,

Susan made an announcement for the upcoming Iris Society Rhizome Sale. For information, Click Here.

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Pinnacle Mountain Workday: 2021-08-05

Pinnacle Master Gardeners work the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month as long as the weather cooperates. Part of our workday includes a review of what is budding and blooming in the four areas around the Visitor’s Center and parking area – and out of this review is usually a learning experience.  We are fortunate to have seasoned Master Gardeners that enjoy sharing their knowledge with the Pinnacle Team.  This day Don Ford shared the difference in the two Ironweed plants. One is an Arkansas Ironweed the other is a Missouri Ironweed  In one picture you see the two types of Ironweeds. Take a look at the filament under the bloom of one of the plants – this is the Arkansas Ironweed.    

We invite the PCMG to come out to Pinnacle to see the beautiful native plants.  Lots of buzzing going!

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Cammack U/A System: 2021-08-12

Great team work on spreading the mulch and dirt!

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2021 Fall Native Plant Sale

Little Rock Audubon Center
Gray Catbird on American Beautyberry, an Arkansas native plant. Photo: Will Stuart

Online Ordering Open September 1-8

Our Spring Native Plant Sale will again be held through online ordering and curbside pickup to ensure the safety of all involved.

This is a perfect opportunity to support local businesses that are *still* adapting during COVID-19. Pine Ridge Gardens, Grand Design, Native Sun Nursery, Grand Prairie Nursery, and Audubon will all have plants for sale. 

What you need to know: Online ordering will be open Wednesday, September 1 through Wednesday, September 8.Curbside pickup will be Friday, September 17 and Saturday, September 18 at the Little Rock Audubon Center (4500 Springer Blvd., Little Rock, AR 72206). You’ll select a pickup time at checkout.The online ordering link will be released in this FB event, on our website, and via email to our email list on the morning of September 1To ensure an inventory that is as accurate as possible, the website is not available for browsing prior to September 1. Questions? Reach out to . 
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