County Extension Office: 2021-05-18

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-05-24

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on May 24, 2021. Weeding and dead headings was the main activity of the day again for another work day.

Happy Gardening!!

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Old State House (OSH): 2021-05-20

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2021-05-10

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From Randy: Old Mill Meet & Greet, May 12, 2021

Hey Guys,

What a beautiful day to celebrate the Old Mill Garden Project. 

I would like to thank the Old Mill Master Gardener Crew and the Social Committee for a Job well done! 

The temperature was great for garden strolling and the garden looked fantastic!  It was great seeing people strolling about and checking out all the wonderful variety of plants growing in the garden. 

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Cammack U oa A Systems: 2021-05-01


Start spreading the news” 
A new expanded Cammack Fruit Demonstration Garden is coming!


The 19 Master Gardeners from Cammack Garden Project have started expanding the original garden to create more space to experiment with new cultivars from the University of Arkansas.

The hosts of the project have been so helpful in supporting the volunteers of the CammackProject.

The garden will include:

  • The original Blackberry beds and are will trying a new variety of the Blackberry family named, CADDO.
  • Along with the Caddo Blackberry they are planting a table grape called “Joy”. It is from the table grapes of Reliance. The table grape is suppose to be delicious!
  •  The Cammack Garden will still have:
    • Muscadines,
    • Rabbit-Eye Blueberries,
    • Brown Turkey Fig and
  • New strawberry beds will be built.

The Cammack team haves been working hard in planning and constructing the  area and we looking forward to seeing the fruits of our hard labor. 

Submitted by Laura Sholes, Chairman

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AR Children’s Hospital: 2021-05-11

Finished Beds at AR Children’s

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War Memorial: 2021-05-11

Hope you don’t get tired of getting pics from War Memorial. We’re proud of our work.

City greenhouse provided some nice plants for us. Can’t wait to watch them fill-in after this rain today

Mary D.

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-05-10

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on May 10, 2021. Weeding and dead headings was the main activity of the day. Our butterfly bed has been certified as an Monarch Way station.

Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration.

A monarch way station sign was posted behind the butterfly garden.  Good job ladies.

Happy Gardening!!

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LR Greenhouse Plant Sale – This Wednesday

This Wednesday, May 12th.   9 am to 11 am.
Little Rock Greenhousse,  7th and Palm Streets

  • Free Vegetable plants
  • Begonias – half price
  • Herbs – half price

Please wear a mask!   

Cash or checks only.

Questions? Contact Jody Jackson, Chair LR Greenhouse

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