Maumelle Community Center: 2021-04-26

Maumelle Master Gardeners worked on our Community Center Project on April 26, 2021. Many many flats of zinnias were planted. Weeding was done also, which is an every workday activity. Can not wait for all the color to pop. Our magnolia has so many buds, will look So pretty when they bloom.

Happy Gardening!!

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2021-04-26

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Info onThe Old Mill Meet & Greet May 12th

The Social Committee has been working very hard to have a safe and socially distant Meet and Greet at The Old Mill on May 12. 

We will have two groups, one from 2pm – 3pm and one from 3pm – 4pm.  Spots are filling up fast, so if you want your spot reserved, please call 340-6650

The tours of the Old Mill will be given by the members of the Old Mill project. 

Hope to see you there!!!

Sharon Priest
PCMG President

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Pathfinder Greenhouse: 2021 Plant Sale Report & Thank You

Hello fellow PCMGs!

We at the Pathfinder Greenhouse Committee in Jacksonville would like to thank you for all your support with our 2021 Plant sale. It was successful beyond our imaginations. The online orders and sales were phenomenal! It was definitely a learning experience for our committee. In addition to fellow PCMG members shopping, we advertised in the local Jacksonville paper with much success (as is usual for Jacksonville), and we had Master Gardeners from Faulkner County, Prairie County and Fayetteville place orders as well as shop. Since it was so successful, we are seriously considering doing the online sale in addition to in person shopping again in the future. We made a nice profit that will go into the general PCMG fund for all to benefit from.

Again, thank you for your support.

Pathfinder Greenhouse Committee

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Home For Healing: 2021-04-27

After the hard freeze we all experienced this past winter and a couple of late season freeze nights recently, the Home For Healing Master Gardner Project gardens are bouncing back. 

Isn’t nature wonderful!  Our team has been hard at work with general maintenance tasks as well as new spring plantings and things are looking good. 

There is still more work to be done, of course, and our dedicated team of Master Gardeners working in conjunction with the wonderful staff at Home For Healing is continuing progress to make our project even more beautiful for the residents and guests of Home For Healing.

A special thanks to Susan M., Master Gardener Project Chairman, Kristin T., Executive Director for Home For Healing and all of the knowledgeable Master Gardeners on this project as well as staff at Home For Healing for making this project a success!

Bud S.

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PCMG Meet & Greet May 12th at The Old Mill

Click Here to view the announcement flyer.

Tours and refreshments at The Old Mill
Where:  The Old Mill at T. R. Pugh Memorial Park, 3800 Lakeshore Drive, North Little Rock, AR  72116
When:  May 12th, 2021    Two time slots offered, each with a limit of 100 people:  2pm to 3 pm and 3 pm to 4 pm.  First come, first served by reservations.
Reservations are Required!
Note:  Reservation deadline is May 5th.  Please call 501-340-6650 to reserve your time slot!

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LR Greenhouse Sale #3, Saturday, April 24, 9am-Noon

The 3rd Little Rock Greenhouse Sale will be held this Saturday, April 24, 9:00 a.m. – noon.
Our greenhouse is located at 7th & Palm Streets (behind the State Hospital on Markham).
Cash or checks only.
Please wear a mask!
Hope to see you there.
Thank you,
PCMG LR Greenhouse

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Wildwood Azeleas

John A. and Dianne W. went to Wildwood this past weekend. 
John thought the general membership would like to  know the native azaleas at Wildwood are blooming so folks could drive out and enjoy them.  They look spectacular.
Cindy S.

When Tom Bruce was alive he would send a notice to MG when the native azaleas were blooming at Wildwood.
Dianne W. and I went out there Saturday and they are looking good. I thought you might want to send a notice.
John A.

Wildwood Azeleas

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Sustainable Gardens Tour and Creek Cleanup: Thurs, 4/22

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2021-04-12

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