Mount Holly Garden Series 2021

Mount Holly Garden Series Resumes in 2021

We regret that COVID-19 canceled our Mount Holly Garden Series in 2020, but the Downtown Dames are anxious to resume our popular event in 2021.  Mount Holly is still closed to larger events.  With respect to the cemetery guidelines and the guidelines of the City of Little Rock, the April, May and June meetings will be held in Margaret Wyatt’s yard, 1600 Louisiana Street, Little Rock, AR, 72206.  Louisiana is one block west of Main Street.

The situation will be re-evaluated in June.  Once it is safe to meet at Mount Holly, we will continue the lectures and programs at the Bell House.

The guidelines for our resuming the Mount Holly Garden Series are simple.  We are meeting at a private home.  Therefore, everyone attending will need to bring a lawn chair, socially distance and wear a mask.  We regret that no public bathroom will be available.  Refreshments will not be served, so feel free to bring a cup of coffee with you.

Mark your calendars for the 3rd Saturday morning, April through October at 9:00 A.M., and please join us! A suggested donation benefits projects at Mount Holly Cemetery.

We have outstanding programs scheduled for 2021:

April 17, 2021, Fascinating Facts for Successful Gardens and Lawns, by Andrew Kenley of Natural State Horticare.

May 15, 2021, Monarch Flower Gardens, by Leslie Fowler.

June 19, 2021, Container Water Gardens, So Great to Grow, by Mark Gibson of Green Thumb Water Gardens.  Mark will also have organic blackberries and blueberries for sale that morning!!

July 17, 2021, Wildflowers on Arkansas Roadways, by Joe Ledvina, Arkansas Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources.

August 21, 2021, Easy, Carefree Ground Covers, for Sun and Shade, by Susan Rose, Master Gardener.

September 18, 2021, African Violets 101, by Danny Tidwell, Arkansas African Violet Society.

October 16, 2021, Fall Plantings, Taking You Through Winter into Spring, by Ted Lewis of Floral Express.

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LR Greenhouse Vegetable Transplant Sale

The Little Rock Greenhouse has vegetable transplants that are ready so if any are interested in buying some please e-mail me at and you will be assigned a time slot on Monday April 5th starting at 8.30am.

  • All available plants will be outside the greenhouses(with no entry to the greenhouses) and Extension Covid Rules(which are posted on the entry gate) will be the order of the day.
  • Each time slot will have only four shoppers assigned and the area must be cleared before the next  assignment enters so if you arrive early please stay in your car.  
  • We will accept cheques only and it will be $2 for six pack or single.
  • If we still have veggies left at the end of the day we will try to accommodate another day.

Vegetables avalable as of 3/28/2021

  • Fennel 4 ½”round–27
  • Italian Parsley large leaf 6-packs –11
  • Curly parsley 6-packs -11
  • Cilantro 4 ½”round –6
  • Bok choi 6-packs –13
  • Swiss Chard 6-packs –7
  • Chinese cabbage 6-packs –5
  • Arugula 6-packs –2
  • Dill 4 ½”round –17
  • Rosemary 3 ½”inch round –25
  • Mustard greens 3”squares –42
  • Broccoli raab 3”squares –26
  • Eggplant BlackBeauty 6-packs –10
  • Peppers Whopper
  • Peppers California Wonder
  • Peppers Gypsy
  • Catmint/Nepeta 6-packs –5
  • Sage singles –21
  • Zucchini

In addition to the list here we also think the tomatoes and peppers will be ready but DO NOT plant tomatoes before April 10th per Randy Forst.

Thank you,
Chris Feild, PCMG

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Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden: March 2021

This time of year is perfect for garden projects!!

Cherith, Wildwood Asian Woodland Garden Chair

Digging the hole for our new weeping Japanese maple to be planted next week…stay tuned…
Trimming the gardenia that didn’t enjoy our winter weather.
Creating a rock border to protect the peony shoots from people who love to stray from the path.

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Governor’s Mansion Vegetable Garden: 2021-03-22

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Pathfinder Greenhouse Annual Plant Sale: April 12-16

 The Pathfinder Greenhouse Master Gardener project in Jacksonville will be hosting its annual plant sale the week of April 12-16. 

Due to the ongoing restrictions placed on us because of the Covid virus, the sale will be held differently. 

The sale will take place the whole week and plants can be purchased in two different ways. 

The week before the sale, April 5-9 we will post on Pulaski County Master Gardener Facebook page our “flier” with pictures of all plants available for you to peruse. 

You will be able to place an order for pickup for the following week after viewing the plants or you can arrange an appointment to go to the greenhouse and actually shop physically. 

All appointments for shopping will be in accordance with current guidelines, i.e. masks must be worn and social distancing will be adhered to.  Hand sanitizer will be available if wanted. 

Only a maximum of 3 individuals will be admitted into the greenhouse at a time unless you request to be the only person in the greenhouse.  Sanitizing will be done after each sale. 

You will be able to inform your friends of the sale as well.

We have a large variety of absolutely beautiful flowers, veggies and herbs. 

The week of April 5th we will remind you of the sale and to view the posting. 

Thank you,Pathfinder Greenhouse Committee

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-03-22

Maumelle Master Gardeners were able to work again in our Community Center Project on March 22, 2021.

Mulch, mulch and more mulch was on the agenda. We all worked well together putting two truck loads of mulch into our beds. Need a little more which will be completed our next workday.

A few tulips were showing for wonderful color.

Happy Gardening!!

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Old Mill: 2021-03-10

The Old Mill MG workday was March 10, 2021. 

Our partners with NLR Parks came and trimmed liriope and large grasses and the NLR Parks arborist stopped by to assist with problems on a new tree. 

Project members continued clean-up from the extreme winter weather, transplanted several Rose of Sharon volunteer plants, and continued planting more native pollinators. 

The daffodils, pansies, camellias, pieris, and tulip tree are all blooming. 

The park is currently open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

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War Memorial: 2021-03-10

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Curran Hall: 2021-30-08

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Maumelle Community Center: 2021-03-06

Maumelle Master Gardeners were able to work again in our Community Center Project on March 8, 2021.

We all worked cleaning the beds and getting them ready for mulch.

We saw a little color with our blooming daffodils. Love the color!!

Our members gave Donna Simon an hand painted monarch butterfly as appreciation for being Chair for the last two years.

Happy Gardening!!

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